Sakura Deck - Tarot Love Reading


Sakura Deck - Love Reading

Disclaimer: This is a general reading. Please only take what resonates. I am only a beginner in reading Tarot so please enjoy this content, more in an entertainment manner rather than an informative one. With that being said, I have three piles for you to choose from. Each holding four cards. The left card reveals the past and the right card reveals the future. The two cards in the middle describe the current situation. I’ve set down charms on top to help you decide on which pile you’d like to choose.  I completely forgot to put down charms on top of each pile. I'm so sorry. I'll do it in the next reading. 

Sakura Deck - Love Reading

I had pink nail polish on, I put the cards directly north where the rest of the light, and also placed the reading near pink containers. So overall, I think I did my best to bring out the best love reading ritual process I could muster according to the Clow Card handbook which insisted on wearing something pink or be near something pink during the love reading. 

Sakura Deck - Love Reading

 The Song, The Sand, The Big, The Sweet 

Sakura Deck - Love Reading

This card, your very first card, The Song, is a very good sign and a good indicator of happy things. In regards to love, it means sharing your happiness with someone.  The Sand, according to the handbook means you have an admirer :) This person who is thinking about you, thinks you’re very important.  This card also means, if you had a fight with you’re SO, you should try reconciling. The Big, means a huge possibility of things happening. So whatever you’re dreaming of, whether that’s travel or wanting something to come true, this card is saying that the universe will have your back on it. You can also think of this as an innuendo. Whichever way you also interpret or resonate with the cards is ok lol. Brought it up because I know it’s gonna get brought up lol. The closing card is The Sweet which is a really nice card to have as an ending card. It means new love, stable love, and a person who you like softens your heart just by being near you. Aww Pile One, you have such nice cards. I’m very happy to do your reading for you.

Sakura Deck - Love Reading

 The Shadow, The Time, The Cloud, The Rain 

Sakura Deck - Love Reading

Please don’t be alarmed. I know the first card drawn looks ominous. But according to the Clow Reed handbook, it actually means finding a solution to a problem. I think this is similar to the Devil Card or the Death card in the Tarot. It looks very bleak pulling this card out, but if you read stories behind the cards, you’ll find that it’s actually a very comforting one. Like the universe playing a little playful joke on you. So when it comes to love, I feel like this may be more like a Three of Swords kind of problem. Where there’s either a third party or a misunderstanding inside the relationship. Or if you’re single, things just aren’t clear to you yet. 

The Time means that every event has a message attached to it. These could be lessons or things you may need to reflect on before trying to problem-solve. 

I’ll read to you directly what The Cloud means in relation to the two previous cards: “Choose your decision carefully. Relax and open your heart before judging a situation. If you make the best decision, your heart will be at ease.”

The Rain also looks like such a bad forecast for this reading, but I promise you it’s not. This card means things are finally taking a turn for the better. Rains are often symbols of blessings. Things that you classify as “misfortunes” are often exercises that will strengthen you as a character and painful experiences are often temporary. 

So relationship-wise, maybe it’s an NC (No Contact) or there’s some distance going on right now, but it should sort itself out soon where it will bring happiness to both parties whichever shape or form that may be. 

I hope you liked your reading Pile Two. Let me know in the comments below if it resonated.

Sakura Deck - Love Reading

The Glow, The Freeze, The Shot, The Mist

Sakura Deck - Love Reading

The Glow is a good luck sign and in regards to love, it means all hesitation is lost. Similarly to how The Fool in traditional tarot, takes that “leap” of faith and is ready for a new adventure. So if there were some hesitation before, with this card it seems like your person is becoming more open. 

The Freeze is very appropriate for wintertime. Reading straight from the guide book, “winter is a gathering of strength.” I think when it comes to relationships, a pause or taking things slow isn’t necessarily a bad thing. When I see the Freeze I always think of pomegranates being preserved. I’m not sure if that resonates with anyone. But it makes me think of keeping something special that future, daily events won’t be able to corrupt or taint those special moments you’ve collected and turned them into ordinary, mundane things as well. I guess what I’m trying to say is that spark at the beginning becomes preserved and doesn’t fade. 

The Shot can literally mean shoot your shot since everything is ready lol. It could also mean that if there was an unintentional hurt that’s been done to either party, you may go ahead and humbly apologize and try to smooth out any ruffled feathers. 

The Mist card looks like a scary way to end the reading, but it’s actually saying to the viewer and the tarot reader, to be calm and ascertain the current situation. And in doing so, the “mist” surrounding you will turn to good weather eventually. 

Let me clarify The Glow and The Mist for you by pulling out more cards. 

Sakura Deck - Love Reading

We end up pulling The Voice and The Float. 

The Voice really wanted to come out for this reading. Because I remember re-shuffling several times and it would always pop up. All that I have for my notes with The Voice card is that it reiterates The Glow is a good luck card. So double luck for you Pile Three. Let’s see what The Float has to say paired with The Mist. 

The Float says “liberation from restraint” so I think that just emphasizes bad weather clearing from The Mist card. It’s also a warning card in regards to romantic relationships. Keeping an eye on someone drifting away from you.

But I don’t think that’s the case for anyone, because the other three cards previously didn’t carry any other warnings. If it did, then I would have to end this reading in a bad note. But I didn’t have to, so hooray :D 

I hope you enjoyed your reading, Pile Three. 

Sakura Deck - Love Reading

If you enjoyed this reading, please support me on Ko-fi. You can click on it on the right side of my profile where it says "Support Me on Kofi."  It will help me bring content faster to you. 
I’m thinking of doing the Casanova deck next since one of my niches is relationships. Hopefully, Google doesn’t get angry that the deck contains explicit content. I mean, they don’t seem to take down videos on Youtube as of yet, so I think I’ll be okay for now. 

I’m not sure if I’ll be doing extended readings at this point. I'll open up shop and announce it maybe in a couple of months. The format will be the same as this one, except more cards will be unfolded and I’ll probably send it via email and the transaction will most likely be done on PayPal instead of Etsy, if you guys are interested. 

I was hoping that more of the female persona of each element would show up, but they didn’t. I’ll either have to do more piles or clarify each pile. I only did so for Pile Three because it was a little bit vaguer than the other two.

Take care, 

Sakura Deck - Love Reading

Sakura Deck - Tarot Love Reading

Sakura Deck - Tarot Love Reading

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