Tarot Love Reading - Is He Thinking About You?


Tarot Love Reading - Is He Thinking About You?

Hi everyone! This is my second Tarot reading on this blog. Today we’re going to be focusing on the question “Is He Thinking About You?” It can also be a she, or whichever gender you identify with (Hi non-binary friends :3 ) I wish there was a way to address everyone but I did use a He in the title just for brevity just like a dictionary. Please forgive me :’( 

 I finally got around to putting charms on top of the decks this time around. I’ve bolded it and put a division on each pile. So it should be easier for you to navigate you towards your own reading. Please enjoy and if anything resonates please leave me a comment below.  

Tarot Love Reading - Is He Thinking About You?

Pile 1 - Pink Kitten Gloss | The Dark, The Flower, The Nothing (Reversed), and The Fiery

Hi Pile One! Welcome to your reading. Let’s find out if he’s thinking about you. 

Past: The Dark is basically a portrait of your past. It wasn’t a very good place. Not for your mental or emotional space. From this female figure, you can see she’s holding both the star and the moon in her hands. I feel like that was very accurate in how you felt. It felt like all the stars and the moon have disappeared and all you had was this dark space. This seems to be a portrayal of a recent separation as well. This could have been a year or a month. But it still feels very raw. 

Present: But now, in the present, you seem to be very happy. The Flower is all about rewards, results and a blooming and positive space. Coupled with The Nothing in reverse, which actually is The Honey card’s equivalent. So everything’s sweet. It makes me think of the quote the land of milk and honey. This makes me think that the typical breakup process where the girl has finally shed her last tear and her healing cycle is complete. You can see from the illustration. The girl looks very content. Her eyes are closed and she seems to be at peace. That’s you. As for the other party, you’re asking about, it seems to me as if they’re remembering all of the sweet memories you two had together. Now, they’re the one who seems to be struggling with moving on from the heartbreak. They’re reminiscing about you. 

So to answer the question to this reading, yes, your person is thinking about you. And they are sweet thoughts. 

Future: The Fiery is a card that means to not give up. When you hold on to your principles or any strong belief you hold, you’ll be able to overcome any obstacles. In this case, I feel like a rebirth of a relationship might happen. A reconnection after separation. 

Now if this relationship was very abusive. Mentally, physically, or emotionally, I wouldn’t recommend getting back together. Not until the other party is sincere about making changes for both of you. A relationship with too much strife isn’t worth getting back into. 

I know that’s not what you want to hear Pile One, but if you really insist that this is your person, I think you should take it slow. Like any relationship, your trust and respect need to be earned. You already gave it to them as a gift once. Freely with a pretty bow on top of it. But now they have to really work hard for it, to see if they value you, Pile One. 

I hope you enjoyed your reading Pile One. 


Tarot Love Reading - Is He Thinking About You?

Tarot Love Reading - Is He Thinking About You?

Pile 2 - Blue striped ribbon | The Cloud, The Rain, The Shadow, The Change 

Clarifier | The Shot (Reversed), The Wave  

Hi Pile Two! Welcome to your reading. Let’s see if your person is thinking about you. 

Past: It seems like in the past, you look like you were at a crossroads. Like you had to make a decision carefully. And you were looking at everything from a Falcon point of view up in the clouds/sky. It seems like you had to leave your person and proceeded with NC (No Contact) to do what’s best for you. They’ve hurt you too much. And I’m saying that because of the next card. 

Present: The Rain is saying Things have finally take a turn for the better. Meaning you had to cut someone off to get here. Your rain of blessings. I know the term toxic and canceled is oversaturated in every platform, but it seems like this person was a Shadow hovering over you for a while. 

Future: The Change surprisingly isn’t a card of action. It means inactivity or waste. So I feel like when it comes to this situation, your person may be in the Hangman position. Where they were thinking about the things they did wrong or rather what they couldn’t do right. So the answer to this reading is yes. They are thinking of you. More so, the relationship that ended. 

The Shot upright usually means an apology is about to be issued. But since it is in the reverse, I feel like they aren’t ready to break NC. They are currently in the Nine of Wands energy. What I get from The Wave upright is that the seem to have taken a trip to the beach. To clear their head. It’s part of their meditation process. To calm themselves, they go to the ocean to hear the waves. 

So, for now, Pile Two, just sit tight. I know this is hard to hear, but be patient. Allow them that space, before they approach you. If they’ve decided that the connection is better off severed for now, accept it. A reunion could be possible in the near or further in the future. Please check in again in another reading. But as of now, what I’m getting at this moment, from your person, when I did this reading is that they would like to be in solitude for a while.  Remember, boundaries are important whether you’ve entered or exited a relationship. 

Thank you for tuning in Pile Two. Please let me know in the comment section if your reading resonated. 


Tarot Love Reading - Is He Thinking About You?

Tarot Love Reading - Is He Thinking About You?

Tarot Love Reading - Is He Thinking About You?

Tarot Love Reading - Is He Thinking About You?

Tarot Love Reading - Is He Thinking About You?

Tarot Love Reading - Is He Thinking About You?

Pile 3 - Purple Kitten Gloss | The Maze (Reversed), The Erase (Reversed), The Libra (Reversed), The Bubbles

Clarifier | The Wood (Reversed), The Song (Reversed), The Honey

Hi Pile Three! Welcome to your reading. 

Past: The Maze upright usually means confusion or lacking confidence. So in the reverse, it must mean quite the opposite. You were very sure of something. Things are going well in this relationship and still are. According to the next cards on your pile. There’s no insecurity to be had. 

Present: The Erase reversed means stagnation. So for it to be in the reverse means, good luck is by your side. And this is compounded with The Libra in the reverse. Upright it means you are warned to not linger in your past. So I feel like this is saying that, you are no longer bound by your past relationship. You know that song “Clean” by Taylor Swift in her 2014, album? That’s the song I’m getting right now. “I’m finally clean.” You finally established a good relationship as confirmed by The Maze in the reverse. 

Future: And it’s confirmed once again by The Bubbles card. It means “purification of emotions” and “breaking away from a vicious cycle.” Just like the Clean song from her 1989 album. There is a person who supports you by your side now. 

And what’s funny is that The Wood in the reversed showed up. And now I’m thinking of the 04 track in her album “Out of the Woods.” You are no longer in a maze or a dark wood where everything seems lost.  The Song in the reverse represents that. Because in the upright, it means “healing.” And juxtaposed to The Bubbles cards, it means that all of your hurt is melting away. 

The Honey also showed up! I’m so excited! This is the love card. Just look at how pretty this card is. I feel like this is the equivalent of The Lovers card in the traditional Tarot. Just look at those wings wrapped around the heart, with the glorious crown on top of it. I think it’s saying you’re in the right place. 

And I know it’s in the Future pile, but it seems like it’s a continuous thread. From your recent past to your present, to your future as the present approaches, your happiness seems to be all tied up together. 

In regards to the person you are asking about, I keep thinking of Newton’s Third Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. 

I think that since you seem to be in such a good place right now, your ex seems to be suffering. Like a direct parallel. Like if you could put both of you in a side by side panel similar to a comic book, you’d see how he or she seems to be having bad luck while you’re in this happy, zen state. 

Now, I don’t really revel in anyone being in a bad place, but it just seems like in this particular case, it just seems to be The Universe is issuing a lesson for your person. You know. They need this struggle in order to push through for growth. 

You don’t seem to be thinking about them. You hardly think about them. Zero thoughts throughout the day, while they’re having a million thoughts about you running in their mind. They’re filled with regrets. 

Also, The Honey really wanted to come out for this reading. It flew out twice while I was shuffling.

You easily had the best reading out of all three, Pile Three. 

Thank you for tuning in Pile Three. Please let me know in the comment section if your reading resonated. 


I didn’t know during my very first reading if I was ever going to read in reverse. But I guess from now on, I will be. 
I don’t know if I’ll be doing a Valentine’s special or if I should just do another general reading like this. Please tell me what you like. And I’ll try to make a post that you like, happen. I have a couple of things I am already planning on doing for 2/14 but I don’t know if the Tarot should also make an appearance. 

I don’t have private readings set up yet, but if you’d like to support me and my blog so I can bring even more content for you in the future, please consider joining my Patreon, by clicking the pink badge below. The tiers are currently being renamed, but the prices are the same. I hope to see you there. Bye for now!

Take care friends! I hope to see you soon! 

Tarot Love Reading - Is He Thinking About You?

Tarot Love Reading - Is He Thinking About You?

Tarot Love Reading - Is He Thinking About You?

Tarot Love Reading - Is He Thinking About You?

Tarot Love Reading - Is He Thinking About You?


  1. This is such an interesting deck! I live my tarot cards so love being introduced to decks I haven't met before.
    You went into a wonderful amount of detail and your passion and love for tarot oozes through this post.
    The Sacred Space AP

    1. Hi Alyssa!

      Thank you for your lovely comment! It's so nice to meet another Tarot deck lover! Thank you for noticing the details I pored over into this post! I fell in love with Tarot last year and I want to be just as good as the Tarot readers I watch and listen to on Youtube :)

      Mari x

  2. I am loving your tarot posts Mari! I don't know anything about tarot, but I've watched a few tarot videos, and it's very interesting. I look forward to reading more of your tarot posts!

    1. Kat! ♡♡♡♡♡♡

      Thank you for stopping by! I've been loving a lot of your published posts as well! I always pin your pretty graphics on my Pinterest board under 'Favorite Bloggers.'

      I really really love your 'How To Enjoy Valentine's When You're Single' post xx

      I'm thinking of doing each Zodiac sign for my next Tarot Readings. I'll have to read up on a lot of birth charts though, so for now I am just doing General Love Readings :D


  3. This deck is lovely! I can see that you connect with your cards well and get a lot of joy working with them. I use various oracle decks but I would love to explore tarot! :)

    1. Hi Tiffany!

      Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my post x
      And thank you saying I connect well with my cards, lovely. That's one of the best compliments I've ever gotten in regards to Tarot :)

      I hope you're having a wonderful day! ♡♡


  4. This deck is lovely! I can see that you connect with your cards well and get a lot of joy working with them.
    Tarot readers

    1. Hi Ali! Thank you so much for stopping by. And for complimenting me and the cards :D

      I just checked out your site and wow I didn't know there were Tarot stores in Florida and that's really cool.

      I've never seen one where I live. I'm not sure if they have them in TX. Maybe they do and I haven't seen them just yet x

  5. The truth is, tarot cards are a very powerful, YET, very controversial method for planning, plotting and predicting future events and they get a lot of accolades and criticism accordingly. tarot what he feels for you

    1. Thank you! I agree with you 100% percent! Sorry I am only seeing this now. It didn't show in my home feed before x



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